Selasa, 01 Juni 2010


Selama anak-anak sehat dan tak kurang apapun, semua masalah jadi tidak berarti

Senin, 05 April 2010

Ngaco banget ney... punya blog dicuekin.
Okeh2 mulai gw tulis deh.
Tapi males cerita yang sedih2 ttg hidup gw yang emang selalu malam. halak sok puits lo del

Selasa, 03 November 2009

(buat seseorang yang mulai nyebelin)

Look inside, look inside your tiny mind
Then look a bit harder
'Cause we're so uninspired, so sick and tired
Of all the hatred you harbor

So you say it's not okay to be gay
Well, I think you're just evil
You're just some racist who can't tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval

Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Do you get, do you get a little kick
Out of being small minded?
You want to be like your father
It's approval you're after
Well, that's not how you find it

Do you, do you really enjoy
Living a life that's so hateful?
'Cause there's a hole where your soul should be
You're losing control a bit
And it's really distasteful

Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you

You say you think we need to go to war
Well, you're already in one
'Cause it's people like you that need to get slew
No one wants your opinion

Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009


tidak ada posting dulu...

mau senang-senang dengan makluk2 kesayangan gue...

alasan gue hidup...

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

200 ribu

tiap pagi gue ke atm untuk mengambil 200 ribu yang suami gue kirim. begitu dia telepon uang udah dikirim gue langsung cabut buat menguras itu uang. kedengarannya ih kere amat buat perempuan seperti gue. tapi itu kenyataan.gue harus bersyukur karenanya. masih mending kan daripada tidak masa sekali.

pelit. mungkin orang berfikir gitu terhadap suami gue yang sekarang lagi tugas di sumatra. tapi sebenarnya enggak sih. ini cara dia untuk mendidik gue supaya lebih hemat dan menghargai kerja keras suami, itu alasan dia sih. awalnya gw kesel banget. benci tiba-tiba sama dia. tapi setelah itu gue dipaksa sadar. iya selama ini gue sering hambur2kan uang untuk beli baju, sepatu, tas dan jam tangan serta aksesoris yang menurut gue harus sesuai waktu, formal/casual, tempat dan lain-lainnya. walhasil lemari gue penuh dengan semua itu yang gue pake kadang cuma 1 kali aje. belum lagi hobby gue beli buku, makan2 dan traktiran, nonton, karaoke, clubing dan lain lain yang kalo gue itung bikin gue nyesel.

selama perkawinan kami suami gue tidak pernah protes.
gak pernah ngerem juga jadi gue enak aja melakukan hal itu.
sampai hari itu tiba...

gue ambil uang dengan gila2an untuk bayar kebodohan nyokap gue. kontan dia marah banget dan gue dihukum. credit card, atm disita. cukup 200 ribu sehari termasuk makan gue dan asisten. ahhhhh...

sebenarnya sih gue bisa nerima karena saat ini gue di balikpapan bukan jakarta. mau gaul juga kudu tunggu weekend biar ada teman. fasilitas hiburan terbatas. klop lah.

maafkan aku suamiku. i love you

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

i'm silly

gue tersinggung ketika dia nulis status:

He acknowledges we shall be watchful with the tones of our voice and the words of our choice... sometimes wrong tones hurt deeper than wrong words, but wrong words can be killing too... (try to be kind, both in tone and word)...  

He learns sometimes the questions such as "what happened?" and "what's wrong?" must be asked first to ourselves before trying to ask it to others, because by asking ourselves we find half of the right answer already...

karena iya gue emang gitu kali ya... well harus perbaiki diri deh. tengkiu udah ngingetin.